Monday, January 5, 2015

Halloween costumes vs regalia..Is there a big difference?

Thomas Doughton: October 31, 2014
I suppose it's nice to have an issue. For the past couple days I've been reading what seem to be endless comments from Native American groups dealing with two issues: whether non Indians should wear "Indian" costumes for Halloween and whether different types of action should be directed to changing sports team names and/ or rejecting mascots. In light of all of the vital and important issues confronted by indigenous peoples in the Americas and elsewhere, this seems silly and trivial, like all of the time, energy & effort, in my opinion, wasted on the alleged 'crimes' of Christopher Columbus and what will be the soon beginning predictable blah-blah-blah about Thanksgiving. Just one person's opinion....And, is there a great difference in this foolishness and someone with one single eighteenth-century Indian 'ancestor' putting on costumes for what are called pow wows?

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